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Diabetes leg pain is a very serious warning sign of circulation complications
which are occurring within the lower limb. It is crucial to learn the 3 most common danger signals which reveal that something is wrong within the lower limbs and why it is essential to address these signs quickly. High blood sugar is a very dangerous illness which affects every part of the body; diabetes leg pain is one of the more important signs of system wide health troubles. In this instructable I will discuss the most common lower limb warning signs diabetics experience in the lower limbs and why you should never ignore them.

All lower limb pains originate with troubles in the nerves and arteries, the 3
symptoms which I will discuss are all medically classified as neuropathy “Nerve

Step 1: Tingling

It is possible that you may start to feel tingling in the legs if you are diabetic; tingling is usually one of the first signs of nerve disruption. The tingling is actually a message from the nerves that the nerve fiber (covering) is being damaged. When the nerve fibers are damaged this usually opens the door for many other lower limb complications, not addressing this can eventually lead to amputation of the leg. Tingling is usually your very first lower limb sign that something is wrong within the circulation, the legs are
giving you an early warning sign of bigger troubles to come. It is time to act when you feel tingling, do not wait for further complications

Step 2: Numbness Is a Serious Call to Action

Diabetes leg pain and any associated numbness is a sign that the circulation has been more heavily (negatively) affected, it is possible to reverse this with quick action, numbness usually means significant nerve fiber damage is occurring. Nerve damage and artery blockages are very difficult to reverse so it is essential to act quickly to save the legs. The human body signals us that there is an underlying problem and we must learn not to ignore these signals, numbness is particularly dangerous because diabetics may get cuts or bruises without feeling anything.

When a diabetics with a numbness in the leg cuts themselves, these cuts can progress to sore which lead to ulcers. Numbness should never be ignored, do not wait for this condition to simply get better; you must get the blood sugar under control. When numbness begins in the lower limb it means that you are losing one of your best defense mechanisms.

Step 3: Blue and Purlpe Discolaration in the Leg

Diabetes leg pain can be a message of circulatory blockage in the lower limb, often circulation issues manifest as skin discoloration. There are so very many with high blood sugar who see their leg turning blue or purple but they still do not respond to this!

The best way to prevent amputation of the limb is by addressing the lower limb complications early.

When the leg shows signs of discoloration it is due to a lack of oxygen rich blood flowing through the arteries. Diabetic circulatory issues usually stem from plaque blocked arteries, diabetics usually have a compromised circulation because excess blood sugar is know to promote artery plaque build up. Skin discoloration is very, very serious!

High Blood sugar ruins the circulation Diabetics are prone to heart disease, leg artery blockage and stroke.

It is best that you think of your legs as starved for oxygen, if you notice any skin discoloration this is one of the major signs that the leg is on the road for major problems

Each year more than 60,000 people are forced to have their leg or legs removed due to high blood sugar, most of these people could have saved their leg had they acted in time! It is my hope that you heed this instructable and please help someone with diabetes know that the illness is very dangerous and that these 3 diabetes leg pain symptoms are a call to action.

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