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Top 7 Ways Water Benefits the Body

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Water to Lose Weight

Water Helps You Slim Down

Drinking water benefits the body in a variety of ways. Sipping cold water
increases your metabolism and can help with weight loss. The body has to
expend more energy to increase temperature after drinking cold H2O. This
means you burn more calories. In one study, overweight young women were instructed to drink about 2 cups of cold water a half hour before breakfast,
lunch, and dinner for eight weeks. By the end of the study, the women
experienced weight loss, a lower body mass index, and improved body
composition scores. Water also makes a great replacement for beverages
that are high in sugar and calories like soft drinks and juice. Replace these beverages with water on the cool side to help your waistline.

Stay Energized with Water

H2O Fights Fatigue

Mild dehydration has negative effects on mood and energy levels. About
two-thirds of the human body is comprised of water, so dehydration affects
most of the body's functions. In studies, dehydration has been associated
with increased fatigue, anger, and confusion as well as mood problems and decreased vigor. You need to be well hydrated for your cells to work properly. Drinking water also helps maintain a healthy heart rate and blood pressure.
You need adequate fluid to produce lymph, an important bodily fluid and component of the immune system. All systems of the body work better in a
water-rich environment. Drink water steadily throughout the day to avoid dehydration. If you wait until you feel thirsty, you are probably already
dehydrated. Try some lemon water if plain water is not appealing to you.

Fight Stress with Water

H2O Improves Your Mood

Dehydration is known to contribute to stress. Fatigue, anger, negative mood,
and cognitive problems all increase when you're dehydrated. Stay ahead of
stress and sip water throughout the day. Keep a bottle of water with you at
all times and drink some every half hour or hour during the day. You'll be
less likely to get dehydrated and feel stressed. Remember, don't wait until
you feel thirsty to drink. Thirst occurs when you're already dehydrated.

Work Out Better with H2O

Drink Enough Water Before Activity

Adequate hydration is a boon to workouts. Drinking water helps you work
out longer and avoid muscle cramps. Water helps lubricate joints in the body.
Not sure how much water you need to drink while working out? That
depends on a variety of factors including your weight, how much you sweat,
your activity level, and the weather. However, a good rule of thumb is that
you should drink 5 to 10 ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes while you
exercise. Drink 2 to 2 1/2 cups of water every 2 hours prior to exercise to
make sure you go into your workout well hydrated. If you sweat a lot, it may
be a good idea to consume water that contains electrolytes (substances that
the body needs to function properly, like sodium and potassium). Lemon
water or water infused with other fruit flavors is also a good option to stay hydrated.

Boost Skin Health

Water Fights Wrinkles

Drinking adequate water helps plump up skin cells, which minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles so you look younger. Water also
supports detoxification and helps flush toxins and impurities out of the
body that dull your complexion. Stay well hydrated to support good
circulation and blood flow, all of which will help your skin glow. If you
don't like the taste of plain water, add a little lemon juice to make it more
palatable. Vitamin C in citrus fruit is an antioxidant that fights skin-damaging
free radicals and supports healthy collagen, a major component in skin.
Along with drinking enough water, eat fruits and vegetables high in
polyphenols and flavonoids to boost skin health. Sipping warm, vitamin
C rich lemon water is believed to help you detoxify, which will help your
skin glow.

Hydration Supports Digestion

Health Benefits for Your GI Tract

Water and fiber work together to keep you regular and avoid constipation.
Water dilutes waste and helps eliminate toxins from the gastrointestinal
tract. Water and fiber bulk up stools and make them easier to pass.
Hydrate and make sure you're getting adequate fluids every day to
stay regular. If you do become dehydrated, stools will become hard,
dry, and more difficult to pass. Squeeze a little lemon juice into plain
water to make it more palatable. Foods and beverages containing probiotics,
 like kombucha, are also a boon to digestive health. One of the side effects
of consuming too much sodium or fiber without enough water is bloating.
Drink more water or sip peppermint tea to eliminate bloating. Be extra
mindful of taking in more fluids if you develop diarrhea. Significant
dehydration and loss of important electrolytes may occur if diarrhea,
vomiting, or both are present. The absorption of fluid and nutrients is
decreased when diarrhea occurs. Severe cases of dehydration may require
IV fluid replacement.

Health Benefits to Kidneys
No More Kidney Stones

More and more people are developing kidney stones. Staying well hydrated
can help prevent the formation of stones. Water dilutes salts and minerals
that might otherwise concentrate in the kidneys and become stones. The
kidneys serve important functions in the body like maintaining water levels, regulating blood pressure, and filtering waste. Watch your sodium intake if
you are concerned about kidney stones. Sodium increases calcium levels in
the urine. Drinking warm lemon water when you first get up in the morning
is a healthy habit that benefits not just your kidneys but also your overall
health. Urine pH affects the formation of kidney stones. Acidic urine promotes
the formation of some types of stones, while alkaline urine encourages the formation of different stones. Citric acid and calcium citrate are protective
against the formation of kidney stones. How do you know if you are drinking enough water to take good care of your kidneys? Your urine should be a pale
yellow color. If it is darker, you may be dehydrated. If it is colorless, you may
be overhydrated.

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