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How to Stop Liver Pain ?

Liver pain can be caused by a variety of problems, ranging from simple things like over drinking to serious illnesses such as liver cancer. With this in mind, you should first try simple solutions at home. If the pain does not subside or if it escalates, you should seek out medical treatment. With the proper care, you should be able to get relief from your liver pain.

Method 1

Treating Mild Liver Pain at Home

1.Drink lots of warm water

In some cases, liver pain can be relieved by hydrating your body. Drinking warm water can help your liver function better by helping it remove toxins more effectively. Drinking more water is especially helpful if your liver pain is caused by drinking, as liver pain from drinking is often caused by dehydration.

  • You should drink 2–3 liters (0.53–0.79 US gal) of water every day to keep healthy. If you have liver pain and have not been drinking that much water, make it your goal.

2.Take pressure off the liver

If you are feeling pain in your liver, you can often relieve some of it by positioning your body differently. Laying down or stretching out your body can remove some physical pressure on the liver, which in turn will decrease your pain.

  • This is only a temporary solution for liver pain.

3.Avoid fatty, fried, and rich foods 

These foods can increase liver pain because they force the liver to work harder than it should. One of the liver's functions is to process fat, so adding more to process can inflame the organ further.

  • On the other hand, some foods that are great for liver function include citrus fruits and cruciferous vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts. Eating these foods may not immediately relieve your pain, but they will promote liver health.

4.Reduce how much sugar you consume 

Too much sugar can affect your liver or worsen some liver conditions, like fatty liver. While trying to heal your liver or reduce pain, avoid foods with sugar or other refined carbohydrates. These include soda, baked goods, ice cream, and bottled sauces.

5.Don't take over-the-counter pain medications

While it is often our first instinct to take a pain reliever when feeling pain, it is not a good idea if you are having liver pain. Over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can increase liver distress as opposed to relieving it, as they tax that particular organ.

  • Taking too much acetaminophen in particular is known to cause liver damage. If you need to take it, be sure to take the recommended dose or less.

6.Drink less alcohol

If your liver is painful due to drinking too much alcohol, stopping drinking can help eliminate the pain. This will allow your liver to recover from being overworked and to regain normal function.

  • You are at risk of getting drinking-related liver disease if you drink more than 1.5 fluid ounces (44 ml) of alcohol every day.
  • There are some liver problems that are caused by alcohol that can be reversed by simply stopping drinking. For instance, fatty liver and inflammation can be cleared up within 6 weeks of not drinking. However, more serious liver illnesses caused by drinking, such as cirrhosis, cannot be cleared up simply by abstaining.

7.Try natural home remedies

There are remedies that may give your liver some relief, but they are not scientifically proven to help with liver pain. They probably won't hurt you if taken as directed, but they certainly are not guaranteed to work.

  • For example, try a natural supplement that says it is designed to promote liver health. These typically contain a combination of milk thistle, dandelion root, and schizandra, as well as vitamins B, C, and E.
  • If you have liver disease or another diagnosed medical problem with your liver you should not take any natural remedies without checking with your doctor first.

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